IBU organized a workshop series on Active Learning Strategies and Interactivity in the Classroom and its Impact on the Learning Process

IBU Teaching and Learning Center successfully organized a workshop series on Active Learning Strategies and Interactivity in the Classroom and its Impact on the Learning Process.


The IBU Teaching and Learning Center recently concluded a successful series of workshops aimed at enhancing teaching methodologies through active learning strategies.


The series, held in Blue Amphi, featured three insightful sessions conducted by esteemed faculty members, each focusing on different aspects of active learning.


The first workshop, entitled "Active Learning Strategies: Warm-Up Activities," was led by Assistant Professor Marija Stevkovska on May 21 (Tuesday).


Attendees refresh their knowledge about numerous engaging warm-up activities designed to capture students' attention and set a productive tone for the learning experience.


On May 23 (Thursday), Assistant Professor Marijana Klemenchich presented "Interactivity in the Classroom and its Impact on the Learning Process.".


This session delved into the significance of interactivity in the classroom and how it influences students' understanding and retention of material.


Participants discussed practical approaches to increasing classroom interactivity and shared their experiences.


The series concluded with a session on "Active Learning Strategies: Summarizing Activities," conducted by Associate Professor Katerina Mitevska Petruseva on May 28 (Tuesday).


This final workshop focused on effective summarizing activities that help reinforce learning and ensure key concepts are retained by students.


All sessions received positive feedback from participants, who appreciated the practical strategies and interactive format of the workshops.


The Teaching and Learning Center at IBU plans to continue offering similar professional development opportunities to further support and enhance the teaching practices of its faculty members.

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