
Asst. Prof. Dr.

Marija Stevkovska

Office Hours:

  1. Tuesday - 12:00/14:00
  2. Monday - 12:00/14:00


MA , Ss Cyril and Methodius University, applied linguistics - English Language Teaching methodology, 2010 - 2011

BA, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski", Skopje, English language and literature, 1999 - 2003

PhD, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, applied linguistics - English Language Teaching Methodology, 2017 - 2021


Marija Stevkovska,Effective role plays,English Language Teachers' Association of Macedonia,1/2/2009,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,What makes a good test: a practical example ,Journal of Social and Human Sciences special issue, International Balkan University, pp. 217-228,1/10/2014,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Brankica Ivanova, Marija Stevkovska,Lesson planning,Journal of Social and Human Sciences special edition, International Balkan University, pp 9-27,1/6/2016,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Stirrers in the classroom,English Language Teachers' Association of Macedonia,1/4/2004,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,Усвојување на прашалната форма во Present Simple и Present Continuous кај родени говорители на македонскиот јазик на рана возраст,FON University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, pp. 260-267,1/4/2014,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,English Interlanguage of Macedonian Preschool-Aged Speakers - A Case Study ,Journal of Social and Human Sciences, International Balkan University, pp. 45-62,1/4/2014,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,Crosslinguistic influence in the use of spatial prepositions at, in and on,Journal of Social and Human Sciences special edition, International Balkan University, pp. 303-321,1/6/2015,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,Effective feedback on A1-B1 students’ writing ,Journal of Social and Human Sciences special edition, International Balkan University, pp 64-73.,1/6/2016,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,The Role of Comprehensible Input in Acquiring English as an L2 by Young Learners and Pedagogical Implications,Studia Anglica, International journal of Institute of Modern Languages, Pedagogical University of Cracow, pp. 47-61,1/8/2018,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,Project-based Learning in EAP Courses: A Research Proposal,Proceedings Book, III. International Research Congress on Social Sciences USOBAK, pp. 54-65,1/12/2018,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,Acquisition of English by Macedonian Speakers,Lambert Academic publishing,1/4/2017,Link

Marija Stevkovska,English for Specific Purposes in National Curricula for English Language in Vocational High Schools in Balkan countries,PIEES,1/12/2019

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. prof. dr. Marija Stevkovska,Causative Use of ‘Have’ in English and its Equivalents in Macedonian,International Journal of Linguistics and Communication, American Research Institute for Policy Development ,14/6/2014,125-134,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Preparing ELT students for a teaching career: designing a practical teaching course ,Naxçıvan Müəllimlər İnstitutu, 15/16.12.2022, Naxçıvan/Azərbaycan,30/12/2022,4,70,22-26,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Using Fairytales in the Language Classroom with Generation Alpha,International Balkan University,12/12/2022,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Comparative Evaluation of Writing Assignments in English Coursebooks for Young Learners,IBU Press,4/7/2024,5,1,23-38,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Marija Stevkovska, Marijana Klemenchich,Implementing Project-Based Learning into Online Teaching in ESL Classes in Higher Education,International Journal of Balkan Studies ,12/12/2021,2,1,93-99

Marija Stevkovska,The Use of Research Posters in The Elt Classroom,The International Journal of Applied Language Studies and Culture,12/12/2022,5,2,11-19,ISSN 2631-8954 (Online),,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Зборообразувањето во современиот македонски јазик кај адолесцентите,Македонски јазик, Институт за македонски јазик и литература,15/12/2018,LXIX,159-172,ISSN 0025-1089,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Marija Stevkovska, Biljana Orovcanec-Nineska,Acquisition of interrogative forms from A1 to B2 level by Macedonian learners of English,International journal of education and philology, Vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 9-19,15/6/2020,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Level of agreement between teacher assessment and self-assessment of oral presentation skills,International journal of education and philology, Vol 1, issue 1, pp. 26-34,15/6/2020,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Marija Stevkovska, Marijana Klemenchich,Corpus-assisted analysis of acquisition of English interrogative and negative forms by Macedonian learners of English,International journal of education and philology,15/6/2021,2,2,6-21,ISSN: 2671-3543 ,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Managing Hybrid Learning with Large Groups during the COVID-19 Pandemic,Transactions of Modern Languages 21/2022. Department of Communication and Foreign Languages of the Politehnica University of Timişoara. Pp. 138-149,12/12/2022,21,1,138-149,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Hybrid Learning from a Teacher’s Perspective: Challenges and Recommendations,International Balkan University - International journal of education and philology ,12/12/2022,3,2,86-92,ISSN: 2671-3535 (print version) ISSN: 2671-3543 (online version),Link

Marija Stevkovska,Marija Stevkovska, Marijana Klemenchich,Употребата на фразеолошкиот израз ,скрши нога’ во современиот македонски јазик како директен превод на англискиот израз ,break a leg’,Македонски јазик, Институт за македонски јазик и литература LXXI 2020 ISSN 0025-1089, стр. 81-90,15/12/2020,LXXI,2,81-90,ISSN 0025 1089,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Marija Stevkovska, Emin Idrizi, Igballe Miftari-Fetishi (eds),Contemporary Issues in Language Teaching,International Balkan University,12/12/2022,1-166,978-608-4868-26-2,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Marija Stevkovska, Marijana Klemenchich,Online Teaching and Learning and the Usage of the EVOLI Tool at IBU, University of New York Tirana , International Journal of Balkan Studies,12/12/2021,2,2,101-112,IJBS ISSN-print: 2788-6468

Marija Stevkovska,Integrating ESP and EAP in EFL Courses in Tertiary Education,3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSSH2021), Conference proceedings. pp. 120-125,12/12/2021,120-125,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Developing Academic Reading Skills through Project-Based Learning,International journal of education and philology,6/6/2023,4,1,30-36,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Референцијална и симболичка употреба на показните заменки во македонскиот и англискиот јазик,Македонски јазик, Институт за македонски јазик и литература LXX 2019 ISSN 0025-1089, стр. 117-130.,15/12/2019,LXX,1,117-130,ISSN 0025-1089 ,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Comparative evaluation of writing assignments in English coursebooks for young learners,BUP,2/7/2024,5,1,23-38,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Asst. Prof. Dr. Marija Stevkovska, Asst. Prof. Dr. Marijana Klemenchich,Various Aspects of Language Education,Balkan University Press,20/6/2024,1,1,1-149,978-608-4868-34-7,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Bajkite vo nastavata po angliski kako stranski jazik,Institut za makedonska literatura,30/12/2023,28,2,83-92,1857- 7377,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Online vs Paper Examination in University EFL courses,London College: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED LANGUAGE STUDIES AND CULTURE ,31/12/2023,6,2,1-10,ISSN 2631-8954 (Online),,Link

Marija Stevkovska,Reimagining Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Education,IGI Global,18/9/2024,1,1,0-400,ISBN13: 9798369343104,DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4310-4,Link

Marija Stevkovska,THE COLOR PURPLE BY ALICE WALKER - A WOMANIST BILDUNGSROMAN (БОЈАТА НА ПУРПУРОТ ОД АЛИС ВОКЕР – ЕПИСТОЛАРЕН ВОМАНИСТИЧКИ БИЛДУНГСРОМАН ),CONTEXT No.29 International Journal for Comparative Literature and Cultural Research,26/9/2024,29,73-81,ISSN 1857- 7377

Marija Stevkovska,Redesigning Academic Writing Assignments in the Age of AI-Generated Content,IGI Global,18/9/2024,1,1,180-200,ISBN13: 9798369343104,DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4310-4,Link


ELSE Erasmus+, 1/1/2016 , URL

MELC-Macedonian-English Learner Corpus , 1/3/2011 , URL
The research has been conducted within the project Analysis of English interlanguage of Macedonian learners at CEFR levels A1, A2, and B1 with a special emphasis on crosslinguistic influence. The project was funded by the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science and included researchers from several universities in the country:  Head researcher: Professor Liljana Mitkovska, PhD (FON University, Skopje)  Research collaborators: Professor Eleni Buzarovska, PhD (University of Cyril & Methodius, Skopje), Assistant professor Marija Kusevska, PhD (University Goce Delčev, Štip) and Anastazija Kirkova-Naskova, MA (University of Cyril & Methodius, Skopje)  Junior researchers: graduate students who are working on topics related to the project as part of their degree papers or MA theses at FON University, Skopje and University of Cyril & Methodius, Skopje  Technical support: Assistant professor Slavko Čungurski, PhD (FON University) The main goal of this project is to determine, classify and explain the characteristics of the English interlanguage used by Macedonian learners of English. The initial goal was to describe the interlanguage at the first three proficiency levels (A1, A2 and B1) from a morpho-syntactic, lexical, phonological and pragmatic aspect. However, during the project the scope of our investigation expanded to include B2 level as well. Special emphasis is put on the role of Macedonian as a native language or a language of the community

TEMPUS project between Kolinska Institute, Sweden, and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UKIM, Skopje, Development of new land governance studies in Macedonia and Ukraine, 1/4/2010 , URL
ESP classes geodesy professors and assistants from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UKIM, Skopje

Professional and Artistic Activity

III International Congress of Social Sciences Research USOBAK, Ahmet Yesevi universitesi, ANKAD, International Balkan University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

International conference on Social Sciences and Humanities , International Balkan University, International Balkan University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

English Language Teaching and Literature, International Balkan University, International Balkan University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

English Language Teaching and Literature, International Balkan University, International Balkan University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

Language in practice, practice in language, FON University, Faculty of Languages, FON University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

1st International ELTAM conference, English Language Teachers' Association of Macedonia, FON University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

Early multilingualism and learning German at a young age in southeastern Europe, , Goethe Institute and German Language Teachers' Association of Macedonia, Ohrid, North Macedonia, Website Link, File Link

Concepts, Sources and Methodology and Art in Eastern European Studies, Platform of International Eastern European Studies, International Balkan University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

Concepts, Sources and Methodology and Art in Eastern European Studies, Platform of International Eastern European Studies, International Balkan University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

Common European Framework and exam offer of the Goethe Institute, Goethe Institute and German Language Teachers' Association of Macedonia, Ohrid, North Macedonia, Website Link, File Link

Finding yourself as a teacher, British Council, Zagreb, Croatia, Website Link, File Link

5th Annual Qatar University International (Virtual) Conference on English Language Teaching and 21st Century Skills – Communicate, Collaborate, Create, Foundation Program Department of English, Doha, the State of Qatar - online, Website Link, File Link

3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ICSSH2021), International Balkan University, Skopje, R. North Macedonia, in partnership with the University of Houston-Clear Lake, Houston (USA), International Balkan University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

5th International Symposium of Education and Values, board, Bodrum/Mugla, Turkey, online, Website Link, File Link

5th International Conferences on Social Sciences and Humanities, International Balkan University and University of Technology, Mara, Malaysia, International Balkan University, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

The Uncertainties and Challenges in the Balkans: Case of COVID’19, University of New York Tirana, New York Tirana, Albania - online, Website Link, File Link

“Embracing change and transformation – breakthrough innovation and creativity” , University of New York Tirana, University of New York Tirana, Albania, online, Website Link, File Link

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH-KICER, University of Prishtina, Faculty of Educations, Prishtina, Kosovo , Website Link, File Link

7th International Eurasian Social Sciences Congress, Viziyon Univeristy, North Macedonia, Bodrum, Turkey, online, Website Link, File Link

7th International Symposium of Education and Values (ISOEVA) , board, Antalya/ Turkey, online, Website Link, File Link

EJSER 12th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOCIAL SCIENCES , Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, online, Website Link, File Link

"International Conference on English Literature, Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies", ICELALTS 2022, Karabuk University, Turkey , online, Website Link, File Link


International Scientific Conference on “Actual Issues of Teacher Training in the Modern Stage: Achievements and Challenges”, Nakhchivan Teachers Institute Nakhchivan State University Educational Institute of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, Website Link, File Link


3rd International "ACHARAKA" Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences, BZT Academi, Izmir, Turkiye, online, Website Link, File Link

Qatar University 8th International Conference on ELT: "Multimodal ELT Pedagogy: Curriculum, Assessment, and Technology.", Foundation Program, Department of English, Qatar University, Doha, the State of Qatar - online, Website Link, File Link

7th Annual Conference on English Language Teaching “Hybrid Learning in ELT: Motivation, Challenges and Opportunities, Foundation Program, Deanship of General Studies, Qatar University, Doha, the State of Qatar - online, Website Link, File Link

ASES IV International Conference on Social Sciences, Academy of Scientific and Educational Studies, Eskisehir, Turkiye, online, Website Link, File Link

KICER 2023 , University of Prishtina, Faculty of Educations, University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo , Website Link, File Link

6th International Symposium of Education and Values, board, Kemer, Antalya, Turkiye, online, Website Link, File Link

Teaching grammar effectively to generation Alpha, Maarif Schools Skopje and ELT department, FEDU, Maarif schools, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

Seminar and Workshops for English teachers, ELT department, FEDU, International Balkan University, Website Link, File Link

Animal testing should be banned, ELT departments FEDU, IBU and ELT department, School of foreign languages,UACS, University American College, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

The Marvels of Language Industry, ELT department, FEDU, International Balkan University, Website Link, File Link

Parts of speech, Biliran Province State University, the Philippines and ELT department, FEDU, online, Website Link, File Link

Research methodology and academic writing, BIPSU, Philippines and IBU, FEDU, ELT department, online, Website Link, File Link

Rethinking grammar, ELT department, FEDU, online, Website Link, File Link

Innovations in English language teaching, SEEU, South-East European Univeristy, Website Link, File Link

Erasmus+ visit to ICES, France, IBU IRO and ICES (Catholic Institute of higher studies, France), La Roche-sur-Yon, France, Website Link, File Link

Drama activities , Marija Stevkovska, English language school, IBU, International Balkan University, Avtokomanda, Website Link, File Link

Pearson summer teacher training & commercial seminar for Private Language Schools "SETTING A NEW MINDSET WITH PEARSON STATE-OF-THE-ART COURSES ", Pearson and Longman, Skopje, Hotel Garden, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

Teaching English: A Turkish EFL Teacher's Perspective, ELT department, FEDU, online, Website Link, File Link

signing an MoU with the English language teachers' association of Macedonia, Marija Stevkovska, ELT Department, FEDU, IBU, International Balkan University, Website Link, File Link

A visit to the American Corner Skopje, ELT Department, FEDU and the American Corner Skopje, American corner Skopje, Website Link, File Link

TESOL Methods: Putting pedagogy into practice ( dissemination workshop of the course at Oregon University), Marija Stevkovska, International Balkan University, Avtokomanda, Website Link, File Link

AI does more harm than good to humanity, ELT department, FEDU, International Balkan University, Website Link, File Link

Using drama activities in the EFL classroom, Marija Stevkovska, ELT Department, FEDU, International Balkan University, Website Link, File Link

Teaching English to Young Learners: How Theory Can Inform Pedagogical Choices, ELTAM and UACS, online, Website Link, File Link

Honorary adjunct faculty at the School of Liberal and Creative Arts, Lovely Professional University, online, Website Link, File Link

The influence of the English language on Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish , Balkan Research Center, IBU, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

IBU's best instructor: Category: Best method of converting theory into practice, IBU Teaching and Learning Center , International Balkan University, Website Link, File Link


Tourism, Culture and Economy Congress ITEC '24, Sivas Cumhuriyet University and International Balkan University, IBU, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

Active learning strategies: Warm-up activities, IBU Teaching and Learning Center, IBU, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

Promoting Active Learning through Warm-up Activities in Higher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" Kosovo, Pristina , Kosovo and online, Website Link, File Link

Artificial Intelligence: Shining Light in the Language Classroom, Pearson Languages, online, Website Link, File Link

Teaching in the Age of AI: Tips for Preparing for an Educational Evolution, Pearson languages, online, Website Link, File Link

"Evolving ELT - Empowering Educators for 21st-Century Learning with New Trends and Technologies", Ekspres Buk Skopje and Express Publishing, hotel Holiday Inn, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

ARCENG INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONFERENCE , ARCENG - Academic events - conference - congress, online and in Istanbul, Website Link, File Link

Science Committee of "Industry 5.0, Artificial Intelligence, and Digitalization". , Yozgat Bozok University, Azizli, Website Link, File Link


A Teachers' Guide to: Safe and Ethical AI Usage for Learners, Pearson languages, online, Website Link, File Link

ELT & AI: The big questions (Teaching, Learning & Assessment, Cambridge University Press and Assessment, online, Website Link, File Link

Practice Speaking in English with AI: Using AI in the Classroom to Build Learners’ Confidence, Pearson languages, online, Website Link, File Link

AI and storytelling: How to use AI as a powerful tool in creative writing, Pearson languages, online, Website Link, File Link

How to focus on form and meaning in grammar instruction, Directorate General for Religious Teaching, online, Website Link, File Link

The Hamilton House Academic Seminar The Future of ELT: Exploring Beyond Borders, Hamilton House Publishers and Akademska Kniga, Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Skopje , Website Link, File Link

Teacher development course, EF International language campuses, Online, Website Link, File Link

Basic training "EU Grant Project Proposal Development", Proefekt Inovo, International Balkan University, Website Link, File Link

TECHNIQUES FOR PREPARING ENGLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOL STUDENT PLACEMENT TESTS (Writing and Speaking), IBU Teaching and Learning Center, IBU, Website Link, File Link


Implementing Authentic Materials, IBU Teaching and Learning Center, IBU, Skopje, Website Link, File Link

26th International Turkish Cooperatives Congress, "The Importance of Lesson Openers in University Lectures" , Türk Kooperatifçilik Kurumu , Madrid, Spain (online)., Website Link, File Link

8th International Congress on Eurasian Social Sciences, presentation: The use of deixis in Macedonian and English: a comparative study, International Vision University, Bodrum, Mugla Turkey (online), Website Link, File Link

The Use of Authentic Materials and Tasks in Language Education, Academy of Scientific and Education Sciences, Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Unıversity, Balıkesir , Website Link, File Link


June- August, 2015 ten-week online course in TESOL METHODS, organized by the Oregon University, the USA, scholarship by the American Embassy in Skopje, Macedonia, Computer Engineering, First Cycle, 48 Hours

27th February-27th March, 2017 Introduction to Scientific Writing for Publication, online course, Oregon University, USA, Computer Engineering, First Cycle, 36 Hours

27.01.2014-10.02.2014 History of higher education-online course at , Computer Engineering, First Cycle, 36 Hours

• April 2007, Skopje, a two-day seminar on Lifelong learning, adult education and the European language portfolio, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science and the British Council, Skopje, Computer Engineering, First Cycle, 0 Hours

9-10.05.2012, Skopje, Österreichtage 2012 a seminar on Austrian culture, Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” organized by the Austrian embassy in Skopje , Computer Engineering, First Cycle, 48 Hours

10-13 June, 2019: Cambridge exams preparation: FCE, CAE, IELTS, Aptis, organized by the British Council, Skopje and MAQS, Computer Engineering, First Cycle, 72 Hours


MA Adviser/Mentor, Error Analysis of the Interlanguage of Turkish EFL learners in North Macedonia, Idil Abedin, 3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM - 3/1/2023 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student in the process of writing her MA thesis

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Children’s Cognitive Development and Its Implications for Teaching English to Young Learners , Mevlana Kurtish, 10/3/2020 12:00:00 AM - 6/15/2021 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Teaching grammar to young learners through storytelling , Ajlin Sulejmani, 10/3/2020 12:00:00 AM - 6/15/2021 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Project based learning in high schools in North Macedonia , David Mijalkov, 10/3/2020 12:00:00 AM - 9/15/2021 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Teaching grammar to high-school students through the Communicative Approach , Nertilla Ahmedi, 10/3/2020 12:00:00 AM - 9/15/2021 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Finding appropriate fairy tales to teach English to young learners , Karina Filevska, 10/3/2021 12:00:00 AM - 7/15/2022 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Teaching English tenses through the inductive and deductive method , Marija Stamenkovska, 10/3/2021 12:00:00 AM - 6/20/2022 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, The Use of AI Tools in the EFL Classroom , Sibel Deari, 10/3/2022 12:00:00 AM - 7/17/2024 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, The Role of English as a Lingua Franca in North Macedonia, Ayse Murtezan, 10/3/2022 12:00:00 AM - 10/3/2024 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Promoting Collaborative learning in the ELT classroom , Medina Veliu, 10/3/2022 12:00:00 AM - 7/17/2024 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

PhD Adviser/Mentor, The importance of digital tools in the English classroom , Jasmina Ibishi, 10/3/2023 12:00:00 AM - 7/17/2024 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Teaching vocabulary through the direct method, Zerina Lekovic, 10/3/2021 12:00:00 AM - 7/15/2022 12:00:00 AM
Mentoring the student during the process of writing her graduation project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Developing students' language skills through oral presentations in the EFL classroom, Derya Ameti, 2/1/2024 12:00:00 AM - 2/1/2024 12:00:00 AM
Guiding the student through the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Developing EFL listening skills through the use of authentic materials, Isra Sulejmani, 2/1/2024 12:00:00 AM - 2/1/2024 12:00:00 AM
Guiding the student through the process of writing her diploma project

Graduation Project Adviser/Mentor, Developing EFL Learners' Fluency, Shejma Ismaili, 4/1/2024 12:00:00 AM - 4/1/2024 12:00:00 AM
mentoring the student during the process of writing her diploma project

Administrative Duties

Program Coordinator, 1/07/2017 - 1/10/2021,
Coordinator of the English language school - Coordinating the work of ELS staff, curriculum and syllabi design, organizing teacher training sessions, running workshops for novice teachers, liaising with other language schools, mentoring student teachers during their internship at the English Language School, organizing and giving classes in English during the regular summer schools.

Commission Membership, 16/01/2023 - 16/01/2023,
Member of the Electoral Commission for the election of members of the Faculty Student Assembly

Member of the research team of the Balkan Research Center, 1/12/2023 - 1/12/2023,
assisting in doing research and writing reports on research in the area of language and cultural studies.

member of the Editorial board of the International journal of Education and Philology, 1/01/2022 - 1/01/2022,
reviewing articles for the International journal of Education and Philology (IJEP), issued by the Faculty of Education

Member of the Editorial board, 12/02/2024 - 12/02/2024,
reviewing articles for the Balkan Research journal, issued by IBU Balkan Research Center

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